Ethical principles and values

Proper management of reputation, and setting up the necessary controls to ensure that all behavior respects the Bank’s core values and principles, remains a key part of BBVA Bancomer’s strategy. Achieving and upholding good business reputation is the product of a consistent política coherente policy and efficient internal and external communication.

An important factor to bear in mind when it comes to reputation are stakeholders, such as employees, shareholders and suppliers. BBVA Bancomer is a prominent player within its community, applying and transmitting the best compliance and integrity practices in order to generate a positive impact on society.

Promote fair, peaceful and inclusive societies.

Compliance System

The Group’s Compliance System is one of the foundations on which BBVA Bancomer consolidates its institutional pledge to conduct all its operations and business in accordance with strict codes of ethical conduct.

Integrity program

The BBVA Bancomer Code of Conduct, approved by the Board of Directors in 2015, enshrines strict principles and standards of ethical conduct for all Bank employees and managers. It contains a set of behavioral guidelines to ensure the highest standards of integrity and honesty.

At December 31, 2018, 96% of employees had received training in the Code of Conduct.

In the 2018 ranking prepared by Expansión magazine on the top 500 companies taking the fight to corruption, the Bank ranked first in the financial sector for the second straight year and placed 13 across all the productive sectors of the economy. Compared with 2017, BBVA Bancomer climbed five places and managed to improve its score.

Anti-money laundering / counter-terrorist financing

32,546 participants in training activities on anti-money laundering (AML).