Our commitment to Mexico

BBVA Bancomer Financial Group is aware that its position in society comes with opportunities and responsibilities. In other words, it must do business while delivering on its values and strategic priorities.

BBVA Bancomer Financial Group is aware that its position in society comes with opportunities and responsibilities. It therefore carries out financial projects with a heavy social impact, creating products that promote and foster social programs and financial inclusion within society and generating a positive impact on the communities in which it operates.

Financial Inclusion

The Bank is continuously improving its Financial Inclusion strategy to help Mexican society develop through financial literacy and other social education programs. They help users make informed decisions to improve their financial well-being and make them more aware of the risks and opportunities that exist, ultimately helping to achieve various SDGs:

End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation.

Reduce inequality within and among countries.

It serves upwards of 5.9 million active low-income customers (Express Segment), who account for some 30% of the Bank's active customer base.

Financial literacy

One of the strategic priorities of BBVA Bancomer's Responsible Banking Plan. The ultimate goal is to enable people to make informed decisions, thus improving their financial well-being and making them more aware of the risks and opportunities that exist.

35,436 beneficiaries of the numerous initiatives undertaken by BBVA Bancomer to improve financial literacy through face-to-face, online and coaching initiatives in 2018.


239,000 visits and 77 notes/articles published in 2018.

1,073,543 visits to the Financial Literacy website; 88 notes/articles and 1,089 subscriptions to the newsletter in 2018.


17,483 beneficiaries and 988 face-to-face workshops delivered in 2018 as a product of the Bank’s partnership with higher education institutions across the country.


515,698 beneficiaries of the fun and entertainment activities at KidZania.

Liga Bancomer Sub 13

948 children from the under 13, under 15 and under 17 soccer teams took part in financial training initiatives.

National Financial Literacy Week – Semana Nacional de Educación Financiera (SNEF)

856 registered participants for National Financial Literacy Week, which was held in October 2018.

National Entrepreneurs Week - Semana Nacional del Emprendedor (SNE)

880 registered participants for National Entrepreneurs Week, which was held in September 2018.

Game Jam

40 participants in the 58 hours of non-stop work to create an innovative idea for developing BBVA Bancomer's first video game.

The winning team received a prize of 100,000 pesos.

Social programs

Over the last 12 years, BBVA Bancomer has been working alongside the Mexican government in creating a robust strategy for apportioning funds under various social programs to the relevant beneficiaries. This has been achieved through a broad and extensive infrastructure that provides significant coverage and outreach, and with rules and procedures in place to ensure the transparency of the process.

Replacing expired debit cards

83,750 cards renewed in 2018 under the expired debit card replacement program, benefitting the social welfare programs organized by SAGARPA and SEDESOL.

Financial literacy learning pills

A total of 246 workshops were held in 2018, benefitting 20,291 people.


The community programs and initiatives of BBVA Bancomer and the BBVA Bancomer Foundation are educational, cultural, social and environmental and aim to foster and promote a sustainable Mexican community in which peace and justice prevail.

BBVA Bancomer is constantly supporting Mexican society and the environment as part of its Responsible Banking strategy and its firm adherence to the SDGs.

End poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

Promote fair, peaceful and inclusive societies.

BBVA Bancomer Foundation

Fundación BBVA Bancomer A.C. is responsible for breathing life into the community involvement initiatives of BBVA Bancomer. The Foundation supports education, culture and emigration and launches support initiatives in the wake of natural disasters.

Grants program

15,550 beneficiaries of the Por los que se quedan (For those left behind) Integration Grants.

11,973 beneficiaries of the Becas Adelante grants program.

1,737 beneficiaries of the Adelante con tu Universidad grants program.

3,055 beneficiaries of the Olimpiada del Conocimiento Infantil (OCI) grants program.

The number of beneficiaries means the total number of student grant holders at the start of the August 2018 to June 2019 academic year.

Rebuilding of schools

Upwards of 3,000 students* have now benefitted from this initiative.

* Figures at the end of November 2018.
Cultural promotion

16 outstanding art initiatives supported through Proyecto Bi in 2018.

10 artists supported through the Bancomer-Carrillo Gil Art Museum program over the 2017-2018 period.

49 beneficiaries of the Hazlo en cortometraje (Do it in a short film) university competition in 2018.

BBVA Momentum

For the sixth edition of BBVA Momentum, over 54 million pesos in funding was approved for the entrepreneurs.

Urban improvement

In 2018, a total of 13,242 participants were registered at the two sites of the Mejora urbana (Urban Improvement) project.

Community Improvement

In 2018, the Mejora mutualista (Community improvement) initiative benefitted a total of 3,800 houses and 15,200 inhabitants of the seven beneficiary urban sub-divisions.

Volunteer work

1,117 employee volunteers took part in the environmental initiatives organized by BBVA Bancomer in 2018.

197 employee volunteers took part in the rebuilding initiatives carried out in 2018.

81 participants took part for the first time in the association-led volunteering events organized by the Mexican Banking Association (ABM).